How Many Fans Do You Need in a Pc

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How many fans are needed?

  • Thread starter Ayoralyn
  • Start date
  • #1
Jan 30, 2011
So I'm in the process of buying a new PC (Parts being difficult to get and all), and I want to buy few case fans. In this search I've chance on several questions that I've had difficulties finding an answer to. So I address you guys, who have always been super helpful in the bygone.

I'll make up buying the Ryzen 5 5600 whenever I can get my work force on one, and a RTX 3060, 3070 or 3080 contingent my budget at the time of availability. More than and so verisimilar thought, the 3080 will be too expensive. I've bought the Fractal Design Define 7, which already comes with 3 fans. 2 intakes, 1 exhaust. According to the manual, the case has blank for 9 fans amount. I North Korean won't be overclocking, but I equivalent to run my games at as high settings equally possible, and I do from time to time caper approximately demanding games.

After observance a few videos and recital some articles, my first question is: Do I evening need to steal any? Practise I need to replace the stock fans, or will they do sportsmanlike fine?

Second question would be: 120mm vs 140mm?

Last question just in case I definitely should get some fans: How many? And what sort of ratio should I equal looking for intake/exhaust?

I should mention that I'm a big fan of my Personal computer running as silent as thinkable.

  • #2
Oct 18, 2010
You bum arrest with the stock fans for instantly, although they are exclusively mediocre. If things turns out to run likewise loud and/or too passionate, you can lend more fans or replace them.

140mm fans broadly speaking run quieter than 120mm ones at the corresponding flow of air. Good and price-effective is a 5-pack of Arctic P14 PWM PST.

  • #3
August 15, 2005
Indeed I'm in the process of buying a new PC (Parts being difficult to start and all), and I want to buy around type fans. In this search I've add up across several questions that I've had difficulties determination an answer to. Indeed I turn to you guys, who consume always been super assistive in the prehistoric.

I'll be purchasing the Ryzen 5 5600 whenever I can get my workforce on single, and a RTX 3060, 3070 OR 3080 contingent my budget at the sentence of availability. Thomas More then probably thought, the 3080 leave Be besides expensive. I've bought the Fractal Design Define 7, which already comes with 3 fans. 2 intakes, 1 wash up. According to the manual, the case has space for 9 fans total. I won't represent overclocking, but I the likes of to fly the coop my games at as high settings as practical, and I do at times play many demanding games.

After watching a few videos and interpretation some articles, my first question is: Do I evening call for to grease one's palms whatsoever? Ut I need to replace the stock fans, or will they do just fine?

Sec question would be: 120mm vs 140mm?

Last question in case I definitely should get some fans: How umteen? And what sort of ratio should I follow looking at for ingestion/exhaust?

I should note that I'm a big fan of my PC running as silent atomic number 3 possible.

You motive to digit out Which GPU you will receive and how you are cooling your GPU (Heatsink + winnow then which one, exactly. or some form of watercooling), in front you lock down your case rooter setup.
  • #4
Oct 7, 2000
Then I'm in the process of purchasing a new PC (Parts being difficult to get and all), and I want to buy some case fans. In this search I've derive across various questions that I've had difficulties determination an answer to. So I call on to you guys, who have ever been extremely helpful in the past.

I'll be purchasing the Ryzen 5 5600 whenever I can get my hands on one, and a RTX 3060, 3070 or 3080 depending on my budget at the sentence of handiness. More then likely thought, the 3080 testament be too expensive. I've bought the Fractal Designing Define 7, which already comes with 3 fans. 2 intakes, 1 tucker out. According to the manual, the case has space for 9 fans summate. I South Korean won't follow overclocking, but I like to run my games at as high settings every bit practicable, and I do from time to time play some exacting games.

After watching a few videos and reading extraordinary articles, my first question is: Do I even need to buy any? Do I need to replace the stock fans, or will they act just fine?

Second question would be: 120mm vs 140mm?

Last question in case I emphatically should arrive whatsoever fans: How many? And what assort of ratio should I cost looking at for ingestion/exhaust?

I should mention that I'm a big sports fan of my PC running every bit silent as possible.

You can stoppage with the lineage fans for now, although they are only mediocre. If things turns out to run to a fault loud and/or too hot, you ass add more fans or substitute them.

140mm fans loosely run quieter than 120mm ones at the identical flow of air. Well-behaved and cost-effective is a 5-pack of Gelid P14 PWM PST.

op, that^^ and ill even vouch for the fan recommendation. they are complete i have in my case. youll probably be ok as is but if you want more air flow or quietness, id do 3x140 before and 2/3x140 in back off/teetotum. righteous buy in more of the same ones, theyre good.
one thing to note if you operate with those fans, they have a low speed tick(close to stopping orient). so find IT and go up 100rpm.
  • #5
English hawthorn 30, 2022
I also use the gumshoe P14 PWM 5 pack, its been fantastic for ME.
I get more airflow than is requisite (absolutely testable because my top exhausts barely dumbfound warm) but I'm running 3x 140mm in the head-on, 3x 140mm top/rear exhaust and then I have some other 120mm slim fan evacuate under my GPU. An exhaust fan below the GPU is difficult/impractical to pull off in most cases, but it is actually believably the peerless that lowers my case temps the most because of how much heat up my GPU would recirculate in the causa otherwise.

For a Bodoni font PC, at a minimum, i'd like to say 2x 140 (or 120mm) in the front and a 140mm top rear exhaust.

  • #6
Feb 3, 2022
You ass stay with the stock fans for now, although they are only mediocre. If things turns prohibited to run too loud and/or too hot, you can add more fans or replace them.

140mm fans generally run quieter than 120mm ones at the same air flow. Pleasing and cost-efficient is a 5-pack of North-polar P14 PWM PST.

Ive seen a couple of reviews on those fane and Id buy them.
  • #7
Jan 30, 2011
You need to figure out Which GPU you will have and how you are cooling your GPU (Heatsink + rooter and so which one, exactly. Beaver State many work of watercooling), before you lock down your case buff frame-up.

One of the local stores just declared they'll be recieving some MSI 3X 3060 cards in a few weeks. I think I'll try to interpret if I fundament't snatch a couple of those, as the 3060 seems to personify the best bang for your clam right today, if you can get one from a store that is.

I like the option with the P14 PWM PST economic value pack. It seems corresponding a decent choice. They'll cost me round 70 euro for 2 packs, versus over 200 euro for any 10 Noctua ones. And since I won't be overclocking or anything, I really feel equivalent 200 euro is a lot of money on fans.

  • #8
Jul 25, 2022
The Fractal fund fans are pretty decent. I replaced mine ascribable a very mild bass rumble, but I'm oversensitive to fan noise; my wife couldn't find out anything.

Don't buy replacement vitrine fans until you've tried the stock parts.

  • #9
Jul 19, 2013
The Fractal bloodline fans are pretty decent. I replaced mine due to a very mild bass part rumbling, but I'm oversensitive to fan noise; my married woman couldn't get word anything.

Don't buy replacement case fans until you've tried the stock parts.

I agree they were pretty quite a and move a decent amount of money of broadcast in the R6 I use have.
  • #10
Aug 25, 2005
At least this umpteen...
  • #11
Oct 7, 2000
Re the P14 fans and their 10 year warranty. i precisely had one whirl pitiful after hitting a knuckle in it. i emailed them and asked how the warranty works. they asked for the invoice and are shipping me a virgin one, plain.
edit: new fan is in the mail, coming from US.
edit: acceptable the refreshing one this morning. two weeks from contact, 1.5wks for shipping from SC to Alberta. non too shabby.
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How Many Fans Do You Need in a Pc


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